An Artist’s Way ~ Closing Thoughts
What are you putting on the blank canvas of this day???
Greetings Dear Reader,
Every day is a blank page, an empty canvas, an un-chiseled block of marble. We choose what we put on it. We decide what we put on it. We never leave it blank. Our art, the poem of our lives, is always up to us.
No matter what the situation or circumstance, we choose what we add to the canvas of the day. We love or we do not, and those brush strokes paint the day. We speak kindly or we do not and those words are written on the hearts of others. We chisel away and sculpt beauty or horror at our choosing.
The Creator, the Divine Artist desires that we create as we are created, in his image. He wishes for me to compose small symphonies to meld into the great song that are filled with beauty and empty of discord. The choice is always mine. I can write on my blank page life or death. Let us agree, Dear Reader, to write, sculpt, paint, and create love and life together.
The Poem of Your Life — Michael Card
Life is a song we must sing with our days
A poem with meaning more than words can say
A painting with colors no rainbow can tell
A lyric that rhymes either Heaven or Hell
We are living letters that doubt desecrates
We’re the notes of the song of the chorus of faith
God shapes every second of our little lives
And minds every minute as the universe waits by
The pain and the longing
The joy and the moments of light
Are the rhythm and rhyme
The free verse of the poem of life
So, look in the mirror and pray for the grace
To tear off the mask, see the art of your face
And open your earlids to hear the sweet song
Of each moment that passes and pray to prolong
Your time in the ball of the dance of your days
Your canvas of colors of moments ablaze
With all that is holy
With the joy and the strife
With the rhythm and rhyme of the poem of your life
With the rhythm and rhyme of the poem of your life
The pain and the longing
The joy and the moments of light
Are the rhythm and rhyme
The free verse of the poem of life
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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