Be Born in Me ~ Chosen
“In the moments of our lives, both the joyous and the tragic, if the truth is to be told, we are all pursuing magic.” — Trans Siberian Orchestra
Happy Christmas Dear Reader,
What did you write down yesterday? Can you respond to the Father in love? We are chosen by God for this purpose. Then, when he has our attention, he chooses us for other purposes, that when followed please our souls.
Mary was not chosen solely to love the Father. She was chosen to carry and nurture the Son of God. I have great imagination but cannot begin to ponder what that feels like. I can, however, be understanding when I do not understand. I can try to identify with the beautiful difficult things that we are all asked to carry for the sake of following Christ. We are all chosen to carry crosses and carry the light.
We relegate much of what happens in our lives as chance or circumstance. Seldom do we acknowledge there are no coincidences or accidents. When we find ourselves focused on the love of the Father, it becomes obvious how he directs our steps. I have seen it after walking through it too often. Sometimes the Father uses the difficult situations to place us where we need to be so that we can do what he has chosen for us to do.
We can palaver over free will and predestination some other time if you wish. That is not important here. What is vital is that we see that we are chosen for things by the Creator so that we can aid in getting things back to good. Mary was chosen to carry Jesus and nurture him.
You and I are chosen for things as well, Dear Reader. If we constantly follow the love of the Father for others, we will discover great adventures. Even in the painful times, the Father is there loving us. Jesus is there to follow and find the way through. When we do, we are often chosen to make a difference in the lives of others. If we are paying attention, we can change the world for others; we can help get it closer to good.
What I must write down is that I want to change the world and that the Father has chosen me to help with that. When I see hurt or suffering, I can find ways to express the love of the Father. When I am the one hurting, I can have faith that the Father has others he has chosen to lighten my heart and load. Being vigilant concerning loving others and showing my love to the Father through this lessens the burden of my own hurts. The joy found in kindness and generosity salves the hurts that we all carry.
We have been chosen to love the Father and through that love each other. We are chosen to follow the Son but we must be willing. We must do so in faith. “If we want to arrange it, this world, we can change it.” We are chosen but the Father lets us choose as well. I will choose to love you, Dear Reader. I will do so even when you hurt me or reject me. All of our failures need to be met with love. That is the way to peace, to joy, and eventually, to home. That is a way that Christ is bourn in us.
Old City Bar — Trans-Siberian Orchestra
In an old city bar
That is never too far
From the places that gather
The dreams that have been
In the safety of night
With its old neon light
It beckons to strangers
And they always come in
And the snow it was falling
The neon was calling
The music was low
And the night Christmas Eve
And here was the danger
That even with strangers
Inside of this night
It’s easier to believe
Then the door opened wide
And a child came inside
That no one in the bar
Had seen there before
And he asked did we know
That outside in the snow
That, someone, was lost
Standing outside our door
Then the bartender gazed
Through the smoke and the haze
Through the window and ice
To a corner streetlight
Where standing alone
By a broken payphone
Was a girl the child said
Could no longer get home
And the snow it was falling
The neon was calling
The bartender turned
And said, not that I care
But how would you know this?
The child said I’ve noticed
If one could be home
They’d be already there
Then the bartender came out from behind the bar
And in all of his life, he was never that far
And he did something else that he thought no one saw
When he took all the cash from the register draw
Then he followed the child to the girl cross the street
And we watched from the bar as they started to speak
Then he called for a cab and he said J.F.K.
Put the girl in the cab and the cab drove away
And we saw in his hand
That the cash was all gone
From the light that she had wished upon
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
f we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
Then he looked for the child
But the child wasn’t there
Just the wind and the snow
Waltzing dreams through the air
So he walked back inside
Somehow different I think
For the rest of the night
No one paid for a drink
And the cynics will say
That some neighborhood kid
Wandered in on some bums
In the world where they hid
But they weren’t there
So they couldn’t see
By an old neon star
On that night, Christmas Eve
When the snow it was falling
The neon was calling
And in case you should wonder
In case you should care
Why we’re on our own
Never went home
On that night of all nights
We were already there
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.
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“In the moments of our lives, both the joyous and the tragic, if the truth is to be told, we are all pursuing magic.” — Trans Siberian Orchestra