Be Born in Me ~ Putting Away

Aramis Thorn
4 min readDec 3, 2020


Imagine a world where everything is suddenly uncertain and you wish to hide.

Happy Christmas Dear Reader,

What did you write down yesterday? I long for you to find your way through the season allowing Christ to be born in you each day. Remember that I am not demanding that you share it with me. Rather, I am wanting you to find all the richness that is there for us.

I am pondering what must have gone on in Mary’s mind when she told Joseph of her situation. Matthew records what was going on in Joseph’s, “And her husband Joseph, since he was a righteous man and did not want to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly.” My focus is Mary here. She is in actual mortal danger. She can be stoned to death for being pregnant and unmarried.

She hides for a bit with her Aunt Elizabeth. I find it intriguing that she hides from the priests who would kill her in the home of a priest. She knows she has never been with a man. She knows there is a baby growing in her. She has spoken with Gabriel and she ponders the mystery whilst she is in hiding.

I think that the thing we need to see is that what she hid was a good thing and it put her in danger. We know that God will protect her but the reality was there. We hide things as well. We usually hide the things that are not good. The things that would bring judgment and shame to us are carried in our hearts.

It is in that space taken by shame and guilt that Jesus wishes to take up residence. There is deep forgiveness that begins in the womb of Mary and will eventually lead to our redemption. That empty womb grows a story that becomes an empty tomb. We need only ask Christ to be born in us.

I must not live in hidden guilt and shame. I must embrace the forgiveness that begins with the birth of Christ. If the Father forgives me, then I must forgive myself as well. I may not ever get out from under the consequences this side of the journey. I will, however, be able to follow the Son home and reach a place where my failures are gone and forgotten.

I am writing down that I will not let my past failures take up space in my mind and heart that belong to Christ. Jesus wishes to have all of us and he already sees all the things we think we hide away. Mary’s concerns were based on the world around her and, therefore, justified. Reality was forming inside here and would keep her safe until the Father’s plan could unfold. She hides for a bit but then emerges to find her way to Bethlehem. We still have a bit to travel but Christ is always ready to be born in us and bourn in us. As we continue our journey, I would urge you to give the space filled with guilt or shame to Jesus. He will brighten up that space quite nicely.

Mary’s Song — Petra

Hold that blanket closer Mary dear
All the world waits with you for your day
But for now, the wind is cold and it’s drear
And Bethlehem’s still so far away
Do you remember the way you felt back then?
Joy and wonder filled your soul and when
The angel slipped away
You knew your life would never be the same

And now you’re traveling, traveling on a road to Bethlehem
Wandering thoughts fly away
If you knew the road that lay ahead of Him
Would you break down and cry?
Your child is born to die

Feel that hand of strength upon your own
A husband’s love that guides along the way
And as his understanding has grown
His hopes too are centered on that day
For do you remember the way he looked back then
Pain and sorrow filled his eyes until when
The angel came to say
The Savior’s birth was meant to be this way

And now you’re traveling, traveling on a road to Bethlehem
Wandering thoughts fly away
If you knew the road that lay ahead of Him
Would you break down and cry?
Your child is born to die

Think back on that promise you received
For him in whom the prophets long believed
Now belongs to you, you’ve been chosen too
But He’s the One Who’s gonna shine
We call His name Jesus, Immanuel
He’ll save His people from sin and hell
And of His kingdom, there will be no end

And now you’re traveling, traveling on a road to Bethlehem”
Wandering thoughts fly away
If you knew the road that lay ahead of Him
Would you break down and cry?
Your child is born to die

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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Imagine a world where everything is suddenly uncertain and you wish to hide.

