Blessed Darkness ~ 92 Nights
“Anthems to glory and anthems to love and hymns filled with earthly delight, like the songs that the darkness composes to worship the light.” — Dan Fogelberg
Greetings Dear Reader,
We all hear about how bad this year is. Quarantine, violence, and division all play a part in where we are when the dark encroaches each day. As the sun sinks and the days grow shorter, we approach the darkest time of our year.
If we do not prepare our minds and hearts as we have discussed, then ahead lay 92 more nights where the darkness will approach and try to encroach on our peace. It is the quiet darkness where the news feeds and social media prey on our minds and deter our thoughts. Still, we have a choice.
Sprinkled throughout these next three months are days devoted to pushing back the darkness. We have All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, and All Souls day. There is a day set aside for expressing gratitude. Through this time is the anticipation and realization of the annual celebration of Christ’s birth and the closing of the year.
We do not have to allow the long dark and waning warmth to invade our souls. We can use each of the next nights to be better at expressing gratitude and dwelling on the good things in our lives. We can choose to see the reassurance and rest as gifts from the darkness. The blanket of night can be the overture of our hymns to the Light.
During the next 92 nights, we have many opportunities to find light in the darkness. We have the choice to make the night sacred. What I must do is fill each day with loving and following Christ. I must translate that love to others battling the resistance to kindness and grace that we all struggle against in some ways. Then, as the day closes, I must recount how I have seen the Father in my day, how I have followed the Son, and how I have been borne by the Spirit.
It is in each of us to choose that we have the light we need to get through the darkness. The fuel that keeps it burning is recalling in the blessed darkness the many ways in which the Light has been faithful to us. We can also recall with gratitude the instances where the Light uses us to show himself to others.
I can make it through the darkness with joy because the path we travel leads to the kingdom of light. We have 92 more chances to make the darkness blessed, Dear Reader. I long to know what you are doing to be sure that you make the most of those opportunities. I hope I can encourage you along the way.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.
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“Anthems to glory and anthems to love and hymns filled with earthly delight, like the songs that the darkness composes to worship the light.” — Dan Fogelberg