For Weal and For Woe ~ Opening Thoughts

Aramis Thorn
4 min readSep 1, 2020


For weal and for woe, we have somewhere to go.

Greetings Dear Reader,

If you have not heard this phrase, it is an old one. The word “weal” comes from the tree of language that gives us the word “well” as in you are doing well. I think we all know the meaning of the word “woe”. What the phrase means is that for good or for bad we will do whatever it is we have chosen to do.

There are things we choose no matter how the outcome and that is one facet of this phrase’s use. The other is that there are things to which we hold for weal or for woe. No matter the circumstances, this is where we choose to stand. No matter how good or bad times are, I hold to these standards. It is something I value highly even though I have not always lived it.

As summer takes a long slow look at its last twenty-one days, I want to consider that the Autumn of this year will ask us the latter question. Already people are hating the year as if the good and bad in our lives were ruled by the time through which it passes. The good ship Earth carries us through time the things that unfold are not ruled by it but, rather, by the Father.

In the interesting times through which we pass, there are things that will try our faith and test our resolve. I wish to ponder the things that are not subject to the weal and the woe of it for me to be what I should be as a follower of Christ. I wish to ask the questions that I used to avoid and choose where I stand. If there are questions you have concerning this, feel free to share them and I will address them. As I have promised my Grandsons, I will never tell you what to believe but I will always tell you what I believe if you wish to know.

This will be a journey of values and standards. They are mine even when I fail at them. Failure on my part, however, does not diminish truth. Rather, it is the truth that draws me back. It is the standard of truth that gives me a place to stand when I am uncertain. If we know where to stand, then whether the world turns for weal or for woe, we will weather it.

The one we follow never promised it would always be good. He did promise that he would be with us and that when we reached our destination, all things would be made good again. Until then, for weal or for woe, there are places we must stand. Please walk with me as I ponder a few of these. I promise that I cherish your companionship and long to hear your thoughts and questions.

Pilgrims to the City of God — Michael Card

Pilgrims of passion we follow the One
Who holds out a cross and a crown
We travel a dark road that has but one Light
For we have here no lasting town

Sometimes we run by the power of His might
On our own, at the best, we can plod
What we hopefully look for is just beyond sight
We are pilgrims to the city of God

The stigma of strangers lost in a strange land
In a fallen world that’s not our home
But we are not homeless prodigals here
Because we have someplace to go

Sometimes we run by the power of His might
On our own, at the best, we can plod
What we hopefully look for is just beyond sight
We are pilgrims to the city of God

Behold you have come to Mount Zion
The City of Great King
To thousands and thousands of angels who’ve come
Assembled to joyfully sing, they sing

Sometimes we run by the power of His might
On our own, at the best, we can plod
What we hopefully look for is just beyond sight
We are pilgrims to the city of God

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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For weal and for woe, we have someone to go.



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