Forbidden Fruit ~ Not Even a Taste
Like those eating blowfish, we dance around the danger of failing to consider the dire poison of this fruit.
Greetings Dear Reader,
I am going to touch on a subject that is getting quite a bit of attention currently. I am not, however, going to focus on the root of the problem. I have written several times about the horror that is human trafficking. What I wish to consider are the subtle ways in which we all contribute to it. We must remember that human trafficking is a demand-driven concern.
There are things we accept every day that contribute to human slavery, forced sex trafficking, and the abduction and trafficking of children. I am not saying that we intentionally approve of these. I am pointing out that what we allow leads to it. Please consider with me the logical path that leads to these horrors.
The first to contemplate is our abandonment of morals and values that demand that we respect humans and do not objectify them. Whether it is the swimsuit issue or a popular magazine or the visit to strip club in a weekly TV show, we treat women as objects to be seen and coveted. We represent humans as objects of desire instead of creations of the Father to be loved, honored, and respected.
Whenever we engage in abusing workers through poor wages, overwork, or insufficient quality of life, we are on the trailhead of human slavery. Forcing anyone to work at the poverty level is ignoring that removal of choice is the primary mechanism of slavery. I am not saying that everyone should earn the same thing. I am saying that injustice in how we treat those we employ is a form of human trafficking. Greed when it comes to the quality of life for others is the path to slavery.
The third thing that is a track to human trafficking is the way in which we treat children. We show more concern over what our children will wear than we do over the fact that twenty-five percent of the humans trafficked as labor and sex slaves are children. We allow children to be objectified in advertising and entertainment. We devalue children in other parts of the world simply by refusing to think about their needs. We buy the products made by child slaves because they are cheap and easy to obtain. We never consider the suffering behind our shopping cart clicks. We devalue children by slaughtering them in the womb by the millions.
What we all do is take nibbles at the poison fruit of human trafficking. We do not do enough to make it clear that we will not tolerate treating humans as a commodity. As long as good healthcare and a good standard of living are not available to everyone, we are allowing human trafficking. As long as my wants trump the needs of others, we will feed our desires. We have to become people who value human life and its quality over entertainment. I cannot follow Christ well unless every human matters to me. That is just the way it is, Dear Reader.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.
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Like those eating blowfish, we dance around the danger of failing to consider the dire poison of this fruit.