Guardians of Forever ~ Standing Humbly

Aramis Thorn
3 min readSep 25, 2020


“It is unfair to expect Starfleet behavior from someone who has never been to the academy” Captain Janeway

Greetings Dear Reader,

For decades I carried in my mind and heart the idea that it was them versus us. When I first encountered the Jesus that is in the Bible, those who introduced me to him, some not all, had a very strong feeling of enmity regarding other humans. They were not evil. They were mistaken.

I was so eager in my desire to please and uneducated in my understanding of the love of the Father, that took up arms mental, spiritual, and emotional against anything that my leaders said was wrong. I heard “love the sinner and hate the sin.” That did not keep me from seeing how many in that circle did not really apply it. The loving the sinner part was only insomuch as it applied to getting them on our side.

Again, it was not everyone, but it was those who oversaw much of my early education as to what Christians were to be. At the heart of this was an expectation that is both unjust and unreasonable. For example, one youth minister that I knew told me that I should not share meals with those who did not share my new moral standards. When I asked why Jesus ate with publicans and sinners his response was a weak “well we are not Jesus are we?”

Years later I came to see that when we are given the righteousness of God at redemption, we too often take on self-righteousness. We feel that we must impose good and holy standards on others and condemn them for unacceptable morality. We choose to make others feel rejected because they do not behave like Christ-followers.

In that attitude lies the pride that drives others away from us. My thoughts about the behavior of others are not what shows the love and grace of the Father. They are not what reflect the love and compassion of Jesus. In short, it is not the place of those who guard forever to expect those who do not believe to act like those who do believe. There are places where we must stand against things that are wrong but we must not anticipate that those who do not share our faith will agree.

In order to do this in love, our guardianship must be carried out in humility and grace. It is our responsibility to live out what we believe without diminishing for a moment the certainty that we love those who do not share our beliefs. It seems that we must master humbly loving righteous, holy, and good standards whilst also carrying unlimited love for those who disagree with us. To expect those who have not been redeemed to act like they have is to foster a lie, Dear Reader.

When I see that my standards have bled over into judgment of those who do not share my faith, it is I that must change. I must reassert the standard of love and grace whilst adding more humility. I have to set aside the idea that I can anticipate that those who do not believe have the power to follow Christ with the fullness that I possess. Until an individual reaches the place where they are following Christ in faith, judging them is an exercise in redundant futility. After all, it is unjust to expect those who do not possess forever to be able to guard it.

A note of gratitude: Thank you Avalon for the gift of Quotable Star Trek by Jill Sherwin. Reading some of these lines out of context makes for some good deep thoughts and questions

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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“It is unfair to expect Starfleet behavior from someone who has never been to the academy” Captain Janeway

