Mountains to Move ~ Closing Thoughts
Faith seems to be a muscle that atrophies quickly if neglected.
Greetings Dear Reader,
There are so many mountains in front of us. Many are of our own creation. Often, those are not only removable but must be moved in order for us to move along home. Conquering these self-created mountains are vital to an understanding of following Christ.
As I labor to use my faith to remove mountains in my way, I find that it gets easier with patience and determination. Sometimes I cling to dreams and desires that are not wrong but are also not meant for me. It takes faith to move past the things I desire to what is best for me. Before Jesus says what he does about mustard seeds and faith, he tells us to seek the Father and his kingdom and all that we need will be provided for us.
The few things for which I still quest are steeped in seeking the Father by following the Son. Still, at times I need to remember that the obstacles in front of me are movable with faith. The heart must beat in faith. My thoughts, feelings, and actions must be faith-generated. I was surprised as I wrote this how easily my faith turned to worry over something. Lord, I believe; help my unbelief. Faith seems to be a muscle that atrophies quickly if neglected.
Some of the things that lay before me require that I up my game in terms of faith. A dear friend recently mockingly said that their situation meant that they had to have faith and let God work it out. I could hear clearly that this is not what she wished to do. I hurt deeply for the pain I see when others do not exercise faith. It is what moves the mountains out of our way. It is what clearly shows us where to go.
Other considerations for me out of this series of thoughts are this: Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Anything I do not do in faith is wrong. It is essential to loving the Father to do so in faith. We will not always need faith because one day it will be sight. Until then, exercising my small weak faith will diminish the mountains and make the valleys I must traverse smaller. I will continue to follow in faith and find the pathway home. You will always be welcome with me, Dear Reader. I have faith that the Father will see you home as well. Come, we have mountains to move and I have a song to help us do it.
Mountain Tops — Second Chapter of Acts
The mountain tops are not as tall
The valleys seem to be getting small
Still, the river rolls deep inside me
Take the dreams that didn’t grow
And visions that melted in the snow
Take away my laugh
Still, I’ll climb the pathway home
With my hand in your hand
My life in your life
My spirit will rise
Until I see the rainbow
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.
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Faith seems to be a muscle that atrophies quickly if neglected.