Second Thoughts ~ My Dead Pixel

Aramis Thorn
3 min readSep 12, 2020


Haunted by dead pixels is the kind of horror that follows your every effort to be content trying to thwart it.

Greetings Dear Reader,

On my one-year-old laptop, I have a dead pixel. It is at the bottom center of the screen and really bothers me. It sits right above the Windows Toolbar so every time I click something on that space, I see it. There is nothing wrong with the laptop. It runs great and has all the power I need. As I write this, I am running a movie on one screen, have the computer hooked to my external storage array and the video card is supporting three external monitors effortlessly. Oh, and there is a dead pixel on the laptop screen.

I contacted the manufacturer about the dead pixel. The computer is still under warranty. They let me know that the dead pixel is outside of the single dead pixel replacement zone. I never knew there was a zone. I do not want there to be a zone but someone decided there is a zone. The dead pixel taunts me from outside the zone.

I asked the person on the phone if I could purchase just a replacement LCD for the laptop. She giggled and asked if the dead pixel really bothered me that much. I asked her if she had ever been taunted by a pixel. She giggled again and said no. After explaining that this particular pixel is both rude and intrusive, she full-on laughed at me. She said I could get a replacement LCD for $100. I reassured her that I could replace the LCD with ease as I have done so often. She expressed that I would void the remaining two years of my warranty if I did. There is a dead pixel on my laptop that laughed at me.

She was very polite and thanked me for being kind and for being funny. I was trying to be kind and did not mean to be funny. She verified my contact information and asked if I wanted to buy the LCD screen. My wiser brain politely said no. In case you forgot, Dear Reader, there is a dead pixel on my laptop who snickered as he realized that he would live.

I thank the service agent for her time and concluded the call. I researched ways to hide the pixel and found a few that seemed foolish. Resigning myself to the daily mockery of a slack, freeloading pixel, I went on to other things. A few days later a friendly Fed-Ex driver delivered a large box to me. In it was a laptop identical to mine with the following note:

“Dear Mr. Thorn, if everyone treated me with lighthearted kindness as you did, my job would be very easy. I was near the end of my shift when you called and had had a very rough day. People assume that their computer problems are your fault. I could not solve your problem and you were still nice to me. You even made me laugh. Here is a replacement “LCD” for you. Thank you for being a (NAME REDACTED) customer.”

I set up my new laptop and wrote a thank you note on it. I retired my older backup laptop, thanked the Father for His provision, and now there is not a dead pixel on my primary laptop. The other one serves as the entertainment center and backup processor for my data. Oh, and it has a dead pixel. I have named it Mort.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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Haunted by dead pixels is the kind of horror that follows your every effort to be content trying to thwart it.



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