Second Thoughts ~ Water at War (the rest of the story)

Aramis Thorn
3 min readApr 1, 2021


There is no storm in which the Father has not prepared what we need ahead of time.

Greetings Dear Reader,

If you have not read part one of this story, you should go back and do so HERE.

We will begin with my deluged devices. Packing them promptly in rice seems to have preserved them. They are dried out and fully functioning. I am thankful that I was reminded to rice them instantly. I am thankful that I remembered to travel with them powered off.

The soggy dinner allowed me to stop for a hot meal which energized me for the ensuing night’s adventure. The real angle is the angel that showed up to help me during the tornado. Whether literal or figurative, I consider him an angel. As I pulled under the bridge to seek shelter from the debris flying around me. I pulled in and shut down the warning to take shelter blaring over my phone. Then, my CB Radio blared to life. I always have it on when highway driving. A voice said, “Hey little Volkswagen buddy; you got your ears on?”

Shocked, I grabbed the microphone answered in the positive. The voice instructed me to look to my left. Where there should have been a motorway lane there was the cab of a large semi-truck. It was clean and white with rain draining off it under the bridge. The radio came back, “If you will pull up under the larger second bridge, I will pull up next to you and block the debris from this side. I am hauling 8 tons of dry concrete and nothing is moving me.”

I complied and he pulled in close enough to touch if I stuck my hand out my window. Just as we both got stopped a large tree fell across the road behind us. We chatted as the tornado raged past us then for a little longer whilst wind and rain buffeted the world outside of our bridge. I felt very little of the storm in my bridge and truck shelter.

When the storm cleared enough for us to proceed, the trucker suggested that I follow him for a bit in the event of road hazards. I agreed and did. I stayed with him for about ten miles before he pulled off at a rest stop. Now comes the odd bit. As I reach for my radio to thank him, I recalled that it had not been working for two weeks. It did not work when I tried to thank him either.

I continued on my way south, skidding safely across that aforementioned ten-foot puddle. Then when I pulled over in Georgia to avoid the next heavy rain, I realized that it was time for the first service at church. I spent the time watching the sermon and enjoying a needed rest. Just as the pastor began his closing prayer, the rain stopped and the remainder of my journey included only clouds and drizzle.

Water may have gone to war with me on this adventure, but it did not win, Dear Reader. Not even storms can stand against the Water of Life and his care for us. There is more to this but that is enough for now.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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There is no storm in which the Father has not prepared what we need ahead of time.



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