Sentinels ~ Set Apart

Aramis Thorn
3 min readJul 10, 2019


We are required to be set apart so distinctly that others are drawn to us.

Greetings Dear Reader,

Since 1660 the Queen’s Guard (King’s Guard when the Monarch is a male) has stood sentinel outside of the residence of the Monarch of England. Buckingham palace is currently the most famous site where these sentinels appear. The changing of the guard is a tourist favorite when visiting London.

These stoic sentinels are famous for their steadfast stillness in the face of interaction and even taunting. Their duty is to be set apart to keep watch. Their role is to stand out as the protectors of the residence of the Queen. They are true sentinels and illustrate a concept that we seem to have lost as Christ followers.

They are set apart. They stand watch and remain unruffled by taunts, flirtations, and questions. They are humans who have learned to be what their duty requires of them without responding to the events swirling around them. They endure the ebb and flow of tourists bent on testing their resolve to their duty. They stand watch and remain faithfully set apart to that duty.

We are required to be set apart as well. The word is holy and it does not mean that we are better than anyone else. It does not imply that we are more righteous, deserving, or closer to God than others. True holiness can only be evidence through humility. It can only be maintained through grace and discipline. Jesus required that we attempt to match his holiness. Not that we can be sinless or perfect but that we can set ourselves apart in a way that makes us stand out as distinctly as the Queen’s Guard.

It should be our commitment to love, grace, and kindness through humility that sets us apart. In the eyes of others, it must be what we represent that is seen. We stand sentinel over things that are holy and pure. We should reflect those things with clear understanding and without getting in the way by calling attention to ourselves. It is love, grace, and kindness that matter. It is our duty that must define us.

We bear the mark of one set apart as clearly as the Queen’s Guard bright red uniforms. Our crimson, however, is the mark left by the blood of Christ. It is the mark that says we are being made holy daily by choosing to live as Christ followers. It is noble and good. It is also only possible through humility and grace. Let us stand sentinel together Dear Reader and consider our ability to do so with humility.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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