Tell Me What You See ~ A Foundation
“Listen to me one more time, how can I get through?
Can’t you try to see that I’m, trying to get to you?
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see
It is no surprise now, what you see is me” — The Beatles
Greetings Dear Reader,
If you are traveling this path with me as a believer or not, we need to lay some foundational work to make the path smoother. If you will allow the metaphor, the paving stones I lay today will permit us to walk the path surer of the steps we take. To help us get our footing, I wish to ponder the first real instance of the Father telling us who he is.
Before I get to his conversation with Moses, I want to acknowledge that the name given for God here is not new. The ancient Chaldeans used this name for the Father. It may be that a form of this name is as old as Adam. There are still those who use it today. The Chaldeans, the people from whom Abraham departed to live in Palestine, referred to the One God as I AM HE WHO IS. Since we are finite it is difficult to grasp the eternal nature of this statement.
When he answers Moses’ question about his name, he simply states “God answered Moses, ‘I Am Who I Am. This is what you must say to the people of Israel: I Am has sent me to you.’” This is where we derive the name Jehovah. This is the revered name that occurs over a thousand times in the Old Testament. The way the Father chooses to reveal himself is as a constant in the moment. The foundation of our thinking must rest in that God wishes to be seen in the moment because that is who he is. He exists in the now. He always has and always will.
We get introduced to Jesus by John in the same way. He begins his Gospel with “In the beginning, the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The beauty of this is deep and fascinating. From the outset, John is telling us that Jesus is the physical representation of Jehovah, of the IAM. John assigns all of creation, life, and light to Jesus. Then, as his gospel unfolds, he records for us the times where Jesus clearly identifies himself as the I AM.
The foundational understanding of Jesus’ identity for me is based on who he says he is and not what we make him through culture. I do not always understand it and at times I cannot wrap my mind around the import of it. Still, it is vital that I accept the nature of who Jesus is relative to his purposes.
I am going to look at the statements he makes about his nature as the I AM. As this unfolds, what I must do is be honest in my understanding and filter out what others say, Christ is. I must walk with Jesus knowing that I do not travel with a common carpenter. Rather, I follow the one in whom “we live and move and have our being” who loves us enough to live as a carpenter so that he could carve out redemption for us. We must ignore what others say about Jesus outside of what he says about himself and what the Father tells us about him. It seems that our first understanding, Dear Reader, is that we must know Jesus in the now, in the moment if we are to know him at all.
Tell Me What You See — The Beatles
If you let me take your heart, I will prove to you
We will never be apart if I’m part of you
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see
It is no surprise now, what you see is me
Big and black the clouds may be, time will pass away
If you put your trust in me, I’ll make bright your day
Look into these eyes now, tell me what you see
Don’t you realize now, what you see is me
Tell me what you see
Listen to me one more time, how can I get through?
Can’t you try to see that I’m, trying to get to you?
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see
It is no surprise now, what you see is me
Tell me what you see
Listen to me one more time, how can I get through?
Can’t you try to see that I’m, trying to get to you?
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see
It is no surprise now, what you see is me
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.
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“Listen to me one more time, how can I get through?
Can’t you try to see that I’m, trying to get to you?
Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see
It is no surprise now, what you see is me” — The Beatles