The Lion’s Share ~ You Cannot Go home

Aramis Thorn
3 min readJun 20, 2021


Very rarely is forgiveness found on earth.

Greetings Dear Reader,

Song-walk with me. This series is a walk through the song The Lion’s Share by Dan Fogelberg. If you have not heard the song, you may wish to listen to it first. Also, if you are arriving in the middle, you might want to start from the beginning of the series. You can do that by clicking here. Today we will look at these lyrics:

Homespun, a prodigal son
Comes begging a humble pardon
But no one rises to hear his prayer

As we move into the second stanza, I cannot help but recall the times I have failed to forgive others. There are those who have wronged me and I cut them off. I no longer think this way and have restored most of those relationships. For some, however, the realization was too late. There are also those I love who wish nothing to do with me. My sin was too great for them to forgive me. In some cases, they saw my failures as greater than the failures of others and no longer “need” me in their lives.

In truth, the need is to love everyone actively as Christ loves them. It is to do so without expectation or condition. It is no accident I am writing this on Father’s Day. I failed to actively love my birth father and he was gone five years before I realized my error. Fathers and sons have a hard way when they both do not choose to love each other without expectation. No matter how hard or distant a father is, the love of a son impacts him.

Our Father in heaven, however, makes it easy to restore things with him. He is always there ready to pardon us when we show humility. He always hears us and forgives us. Jesus gave us a living example of how to interact with the Father and it works. As I have begun to let God Father me, I have grown more compassionate, patient, and kind. The things angering me for so long are gone.

Having failed the Father so often, it is a comfort when we take on the costly bargain to know he will hear us. He will forgive us. Like the Prodigal Son, he will welcome us home and love us dearly. For this alone, I dare not love everyone he created because, in this way, they are all in need of love, forgiveness, and restoration. Their sin is not worse than mine. Jesus taught us to ask for forgiveness in relation to the forgiveness we give.

Again we are seeing the first character in our Song Walk, Grand Slam finds no hope in expecting forgiveness from humans. We may ask for restoration from them, Dear Reader, but we must not expect it. The expectations will choke the love and humility with which we approach. Rather, we must seek it knowing the Father will honor the intent. Then we must trust him to restore things when he is ready. We must walk in the daily provision of the Father even if it means waiting for the reunions we desire. What do you think, Dear Reader?

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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Very rarely is forgiveness found on earth.

