The Lumpy Rug ~ Opening Thoughts
Have you ever tripped over a lump in the carpet?
Greetings Dear Reader,
When I was seven, I had a goldfish. I cannot recall his name. One afternoon, however, I came home from school and he was simply gone from his bowl. None of the adults in my home seemed interested or to care.
A few days later I noticed a bad smell in my room. It was one of those really bad decay smells and I traced it to a part of the area rug that covered the hardwood floor. Under the rug lay my dead goldfish. I cleaned it up and went to tell mom. My sister heard me and started crying.
She had “fed” my fish for me after I went to school the day he went missing. She had given him entirely too much food and he had burst open. She had hidden the dead fish thinking that no one would notice. We have laughed about it often since. If you read Sheetrock on the Road, you will learn that she, pets, and I are not a good mix.
That, however, is not the point here. I am looking through the flotsam and jetsam in my mind at the things we “sweep” under the rug. When we do this, at the minimum the rug gets lumpy. Some things begin to putrefy and stink. Some become deadly poisons to relationships. The death of relationships always leads to the discovery of things swept under it during the postmortem.
Perhaps if we examine things, we make into rug lumps the light of truth combined with love can show us a way to remove them before they begin to stink and destroy. No relationship is easy if it is real. No problem is unsolvable if we deal with love and grace. Walk with me a bit as we feel out the carpet for lumps that can trip us up in the journey. As always Dear Reader, your interactions, thoughts, and questions are precious to me.
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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