Why Church ~ Closing Thoughts

Aramis Thorn
3 min readApr 16, 2021


It is our duty to make the church relevant by insisting that it does its job.

Greetings Dear Reader,

There is a very simple answer to this question that I avoid when talking with others. It is not because it is not a good answer. It is because the simple answers seem to not have weight until they have been justified to others. I will get back to that.

If the church is not relevant, then the blame lies with us for not making it so. If the church does not show love to everyone, it is because we do not insist on it. The things that a local church values are all determined by its people.

Some will try to blame the leadership, but no matter the church’s political structure, it is still up to us to set the tone of love and kindness. If I act lovingly to all who are in my path, that can become contagious. I can be a thermostat and set the temperature that is correct instead of being a thermometer and simply reflecting what is there. It is every Christ-follower’s obligation to be this way.

If we are going to make the church a vibrant rational refuge, we must choose to love everyone and welcome them where they are. That love will; crush the barriers to belief, grace, and following that have been erected by our failures and the hurts of others. If I determine to respond to everything by loving the Father and others first, I can find the purpose of the church in that place.

Now, back to that simple answer. The call of Christ is to follow him. It is to do so as a community. It is to build a community of followers that meet the needs of the community around it so that they can see Jesus. To simplify it even more, the church is our obligation because God says we are to gather as a community., The format may need to change to fit the needs of people, but obedience is our obligation.

I must be a part of the church. I must be working to love the Father by loving his people. I must worship, pray, learn, and give from my heart. In that obligation lies the key to building something that makes a local difference with eternal consequences. If that is not enough of a why then the problem is mine, Dear Reader.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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It is our duty to make the church relevant by insisting that it does its job.

