Work and Worship ~ Opening Thoughts

Aramis Thorn
2 min readAug 14, 2021


The Father inhabits our worship.

Greetings Dear Reader,

One of the aspects of following Christ I think we do not understand is worship. When we are going to gather for singing and praise, we call it worship. We do not say we gather for worship when we have a building day or when we work together to help someone. I think we miss something in our understanding.

I will take a couple of days to consider what worship really is. Further, I want to think about how the work of my hands serves as worship. I know this is all true. What I wish to consider is how I can be certain my heart and mind are in an attitude of worship when I work. I will consider the process and products of my work.

If I am to follow Christ in all I do, I must be certain all I do is an act of worship. Defining worship as more than signing and offering praise is part one. Part two would be seeing worship as working to love the Father with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength as Jesus commanded.

Sit with me a bit, Dear Reader as we discuss worship and work to be certain we are making them a single effort. As always, your thoughts and questions are cherished.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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The Father inhabits our worship.

